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in an attempt to do - WordReference.com 英汉词典
WebMar 23, 2016 · "In a bid to" basically means to make an attempt at something. "In a bid to win, he had to try something desperate." "In order to" usually shows that something needs to be done first for something to else to happen. "He studied all night in order to pass the test. " 查看翻譯 6 讃 相關提問 in a bid to 和 in order to 的差別在哪裡? 回答 Web1、in an attempt to 的意思是:恢复健康; 企图; 试图;力图; 努力; 例句: They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise. 他们在卢萨卡举行会谈试图达成 … sims 4 packs prices
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WebIn an attempt is typically used as part of the phrase in an attempt to . Verb In an attempt in attempt in a bid in an effort in an endeavor attempting trying “A new offence will also be created of using children or innocent parties to hide or carry knives or guns, in an attempt to stem the rising violent crime statistics.” Find more words! Webin an awkward situation. in and of itself. in an attempt. in an atmosphere of. in an approximate manner. in a nanosecond. in an alternative way. in a murmur. Find Synonyms. http://www.ichacha.net/attempt.html sims 4 packs icons